Hindu Forum of Britain celebrates ‘Sewa for Humanity’ at Houses of Parliament complex

Hindu Forum of Britain celebrates ‘Sewa for Humanity’ at Houses of Parliament complex

The Hindu Forum of Britain (HFB) and the Mohanji Foundation UK recently came together to host a spiritual event entitled on “Sewa for Humanity” at Houses of Parliament complex in London. The discourse on sewa, or selfless service, was delivered by Shri Mohanji, founder and spiritual head of the Mohanji Foundation UK, at the special

Hindu Forum of Britain celebrates ‘Sewa for Humanity’ at Houses of Parliament complex Read More »

Innovation and not imitation should be focal point in biz, says Mohanji

Social entrepreneur flays trend of India Inc to draw parallels with foreign firms Mohanji, the founder of the Mohanji Foundation and various charities and organisations such as Ammucare, ACT Foundation, Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga, World Consciousness Alliance, and Early Birds Club, who expressed the wish that the ITCC Conclave will become a prominent feature,

Innovation and not imitation should be focal point in biz, says Mohanji Read More »
