Introducing the Mohanji Centres of Benevolence and Peace

Introducing the Mohanji Centres of Benevolence and Peace

During Spring and Summer, the Mohanji Foundation was as busy and active as ever. We opened new physical centres all over the world. Within five months, we welcomed four new Mohanji Centres of Benevolence and Peace. These are located in Australia, Scotland (UK), Slovenia and Serbia.
These opening consecrations are the cumulative result of years of hard work by our dedicated teams worldwide. It is with great pride and gratitude that we can now say that we have spaces which represent our core values of peace, unity, non-violence and personal transformation/empowerment.
Mohanji and the foundation that has grown up around him follow the ‘Raja’ yoga path. This special type of yoga encourages us to connect directly with the consciousness that lives inside each one of us. Mohanji’s teaching of ‘Be You’, which encourages us to be totally natural, unique and authentically ourselves, is a simple way to express this profound idea—of relaxing into our individual self so that we may expand into the supreme self of consciousness. The centres are designed to help people, from wherever they may presently stand, to walk the journey that is signified by ‘Be You’ – from the small self to the supreme self, from sounds to silence.
These centres are more than just locations for personal change. Each centre is strictly vegan, animal product-free and active in promoting a non-violent attitude to all forms of life. These centres stand for respect, kindness, compassion, and this is communicated directly in the way that each centre is run. In line with the ancient philosophy of ‘One World, One Family’, all are welcome here, regardless of race, caste, religion, or species.
In each centre, we have a special place for the consecrated idols of Shirdi Sai Baba, Lord Dattatreya, and Lord Ganesha. These temple spaces act as the spiritual hearts of the centres, which then radiate outwards to illuminate the entire land that the centres stand upon into shining beacons of love, peace, and unity.
In Slovenia and Serbia, the opening of the centres was extra special as they marked the first-ever opening of the Shirdi Sai Baba and Lord Dattatreya centres in Europe. The significant ceremonies were presided over by Sulakhe Maharaj, the former Chief Priest of Shirdi Sai Sansthan in India. He noted that now these centres are like that of Shirdi—that is, spaces representing ‘heaven on Earth’, or hubs of higher consciousness. This perspective shows the unseen spiritual support that is present to establish the much-needed practical living principles of harmony and non-violence in the world today.
We invite everyone to visit these centres near them. Mohanji has promised to spend a month in each centre worldwide. You can now find Mohanji centres in Australia, Canada, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa and Scotland, United Kingdom. We plan to open new centres in the USA and India in the coming year.

