On March 12th, 2023, Mohanji participated in an interfaith event held in Valappad, Kerala, India, which was a joint event in a partnership with the Mohanji Foundation and the Shivayogini Amma trust to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of the great saint, Shiva Yogini Amma. The event began with a visit to the Shiva temple that houses the original murti that Shiva Yogini Amma created and carved out by hand. Shortly after this, the official event, titled “The Inter-Faith Unity,” began. This gathering brought together eminent figures from the interfaith community to celebrate diversity and promote unity.
As the chairman of the event, Mohanji was joined on stage by distinguished co-chairs, including Haji Syed Salman Chisty, Swami Goswami Sushilji Maharaj, Mohammed Faizy Onampilly, and Sadguru Brahmeshanandacharya Swamiji, who gave speeches in English, Malayalam, and Hindi.
The event was also attended by the inspirational contemporary saint, Mahadevi Amma, who is known to have spent over twenty years doing intense spiritual practice in a cave–usually without food or water. The meeting at this event followed on from another heart-warming meeting between Amma, Mohanji and his group that took place during his travels earlier in the year.
The event served as a reminder of the importance of interfaith unity and promoted the humanitarian values of love, peace, and harmony. Speakers from different faiths shared their thoughts and teachings, emphasizing the need for mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.
Overall, the event was a huge success, and it showcased the power of unity and cooperation across different faiths. The celebration of Shiva Yogini Amma’s life and teachings, fittingly combined with the presence of a contemporary female yogi-saint, Mahadevi Amma, was a fitting tribute to the life of this wonderful being whose life was solely dedicated to promoting love, peace, and harmony.
On 27th September 2024, the Sivananda World Peace Foundation honoured Mohanji with the Sivananda Humanitarian Award, in recognition of his unwavering dedication to serving humanity and fostering spiritual growth.