Mohanji and Mohanji ACT Foundation UK featured in the local Newspaper

Mohanji and Mohanji ACT Foundation UK featured in the local Newspaper

Mohanji ACT Foundation UK had teamed up with their partners Freely Fruity and Wokingham Borough Council to plant 29 fruit trees and 100s of hedgerows to support the environmental rejuvenation of the local green area.
It was a coming together of similar hearts. It’s certainly the start of a larger collaboration in the area of Wokingham and Reading. We’re excited for the team to add even more value to the UK.
The Wokingham Borough Mayor, Cllr Keith Baker MBE, Wokingham Borough Councillor Laura Blumenthal and a representative of the Green Party Reading (the representative of Cllr. Rob White along with Luke) joined the event to show their support and to give due recognition for this tremendous event.
The 30+ volunteers were in high spirits. After some preparations, the official ceremony was underway with passionate and inspiring talks from Jay, the Mohanji ACT Foundation UK President, Ryan, James and Matt from the Freely Fruity, Councillor Laura Blumenthal, Mayor Mr. Keith Baker and Mohanji.
The event was covered in the local Newspaper

