I have never had any godfather in my life. I never had any tycoons assisting me to establish. I never had a specific road map.
I never had a Guru who handed over his seat. I have not been a part of any groups or established organizations. I stayed away from conditional relationships.
I never claimed any spiritual powers. I never told anyone I am enlightened, nor have I told anyone I am their Guru.
I never discriminated against people based on any divisions of society, social structure, or individual finances. I have not chased anyone, any positions or titles. I have never claimed to be perfect, pure, or different from others.
I have always been one with the people. I am one of them always. Nothing special. Nothing different.

Who is Mohanji
To fulfill his purpose, Mohanji has founded various charities and non-profit organizations that act as platforms for people to express their kindness and compassion through selfless acts that add value to society. These include Mohanji Foundation, Ammucare Charitable Trust, ACT Foundation, Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga, World Consciousness Alliance, Early Birds Club to name a few. Mohanji Foundation is headquartered in Switzerland and today, there are over 17 countries where some or all of these institutions are formally registered while followers are present in over 90 countries.
Who is Mohanji
He has dedicated his life to serving the world with this single purpose – to raise humans to achieve the highest values of human potential such as kindness, compassion and non-violence. Or in other words, make the transition from humankind to kind humans.

I am what you consider me to be.

When we see God in every being, we can only have romance in our hearts because we romance God through every being.

Key Pillars of Mohanji's philosophy

Spirituality is a lifestyle

Life is about achievements, but is not about the cups and trophies in the wardrobe. It is about the blessings that you rendered to the helpless. It is about our ability to make a positive difference to another being. True achievements cannot be counted in fingers, but can only be measured through one’s spiritual progress, one’s level of liberation. True achievements are the tangible moments that we lived selflessly. This is the only place where everyone wins. All material achievements are gain for some and loss for some.

Global Footprint

Leading by Example

Awards and Recognitions

The Brave make their mark. Cowards die anonymous.

Initiatives Inspired by Mohanji
- All
- Founded By Mohanji
- Inspired By Mohanji
- Supported By Mohanji