New Year's Eve Special with Mohanji Live on Zoom
31dec6:00 am8:00 amNew Year's Eve Special with Mohanji Live on Zoom
Event Details
Event Details
Amping up – Embracing the New Year on a Spiritual High
Mohanji South Africa is deeply honoured and privileged to host Beloved Mohanji as our Extraordinary Special Guest, ahead of the Shree Jagannatha Meditation.
This exquisite programme with Mohanji live on Zoom also coincides with the one year anniversary of the Shree Jagannatha Meditation – hosting of which started on the 15 January 2021 and continues every Saturday. Those that have joined consistently every week in sincerity and purity, speak of magnificent inner shifts, heightened awareness, greater clarity and peace. Truly humbling to witness.
Master of the Universe – Shree Jagannatha
Mohanji will share His Higher Insights and Wisdom on the Blazing Source Light of The Master of the Universe – aka Shree Jagannatha, His Power and Magnetism and the Relevance of His Cosmic Presence in these tumultuous times of change.
Mohanji’s very Presence Itself is a priceless Gift to the world.
Mohanji’s very Presence Itself is a priceless Gift to the world.
His Presence is Healing, Empowering and Liberating. He is Cosmic Consciousness operating in Form. He is Perfect Awareness. He is Quintessential Alignment and the Golden Doorway to Freedom.

Threshold of a New Dawn

As the curtains close on this year that was with all its highs and lows and in-betweens:
- What can we expect in the year virtually on our doorstep?
- How are you feeling?
- Where are your emotions pegged at?
- How do you get into alignment with the Source Codes of Life?
- How do you transcend the suffering and bindings that stubbornly hold you hostage?
- How do you just let go and Live?
This is the threshold of a New Dawn… New beginnings spell high hopes and renewed optimism notwithstanding the uncertainties and inevitable change.
Are you ready?
So let’s Go … take Mohanji’s outstretched Hand, and Rise Up to the Safety Shores of Consciousness … to the Power of the True You in your own Sacred Heart.
This is a paid event. All proceeds towards the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence – Home of Shree Shirdi Sai Baba
Banking details
For South Africans:
Account Holder: Mohanji Foundation South Africa
Bank: First National Bank
Account number: 6258 4435 351
Branch code: 250 655
Reference: SJM/Your full name
For Overseas/International deposits:
(Via Swift/Bank transfer:Swift code: FIRNZAJJ) – Please note that SA banks do not use an IBAN number. Only the Account number is used to correctly route the funds.
Energy exchange: R500 or 27 Euros.
Please note this is a nominal fee. If it is your wish and will, and in your capacity to donate more, please feel free. Know that no-one goes away empty-handed. The Masters’ Grace and Gifts are immeasurable.
Once you have paid, please WhatsApp a copy of payment to either
Ami on + 27 82 877 5888 or Lakshmi on +27 79 606 9396.
Ami on + 27 82 877 5888 or Lakshmi on +27 79 606 9396.
After we receive your payment copy, we will add your name onto a private WhatsApp group for all communication and the Zoom link for the live event. If you have any further queries, please whatsapp or call the numbers above.
(Saturday) 6:00 am - 8:00 am