Inauguration of Mohanji Wellness Walking Facility

On 14 July 2022, in the presence of Dr. Semir Osmanagic, the discoverer of Bosnian pyramids, we inaugurated the Mohanji Wellness Walking facility at the prominent location of Park Ravne 2 within Bosnian Pyramid complex in Visoko, Bosnia & Herzegovina. This was a joyous and historic ocassion, a permanent mark of pure Love by Mohanji and Mohanji Foundation family at this superb high energy location.
The eternity symbol couldn’t be more appropriate – we are always reminded that only Love is real and that we live on through our expressions of love and selflessness.
As we inaugurated this facility by performing our first Mohanji Wellness Walking, we were truly amazed by the profound effect of this millennia old technique for optimal wellness from South India, now being highlighted at the time when our busy and fast lives quickly throw us off balance.
What makes this facility special (aside from the superb energy in the entire complex of Bosnian pyramids) are the special stones from the tunnels which decorate the two infinity symbols on which we walk (one for adults and smaller one for children). The stones from the tunnels caressed our feet during the walk, addibg a beautiful acupressure effect. We felt such amazing expansion and bliss afterwards! Meditation allowed us to soak in the effect and Mohanji Energy Transfer was the added boon. Pictures celebrate the peace and bliss that we experienced.

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