

Respecting and honouring the state of pregnancy as well as mothers of all species is a distinct sign of human refinement. A mother-child relationship is one of the most sacred of all relationships.


A woman loses nothing when she delivers a baby. In fact, she gains a noble status called Motherhood. Motherhood gives perfection to womanhood. Hence Motherhood should be respected and honoured.


Habits become character. The character becomes destiny. Be aware.

Enjoy and Experience Life

Our path is that of total dissolution. Dissolution completes itself when the unit becomes the universe, or in other words, the drop falls into the ocean and nullifies itself.

Express Love

Love needs movement. Unexpressed love is a stagnated state. Stagnated love is suffocating. Love should flow. It should keep flowing uninterrupted from your heart to the world without expecting it to come back. This is true freedom. This river of love will reach the ocean of love, that of supreme consciousness.

Importance of Acceptance

Being important in society is far less important than being happy. A good life is a life lived with relative contentment. Nobody can ever be totally content and always be happy in the changing world, with changing times and changing minds. Through acceptance, we can improve our happiness quotient.


Discontented existence is not to be neglected. Until contentment happens in every aspect of existence, the chance for repeated birth stays high. Hence being happy with what we have and being content through complete attention and awareness while experiencing life is very important.

Living Life

When we live for ourselves, we are spending our spiritual bank balance. When we live for others, we are earning our spiritual bank balance. When earning and spending are in balance, we have a debt-free life.

Respect Seniors

Respect towards our seniors is respect towards our lineage.

Good and Bad Decisions

Bad decisions give good experiences. Some of the most memorable experiences of life come from bad decisions or lost opportunities. Those experiences lead to good decisions. Good and bad are two sides of the same coin called life.
